The Black Wraith!

Greetings, all!

In my quest to improve myself by doing challenging piece after challenging piece, I got a commission from indy comic creator, Jamie Gambell, creator of The Hero Code.  He asked me to do a cover piece for his future/pulp character The Black Wraith, so I took a stab at it.

There’s the grayscale and the computer colorized version.  BW is a cross between Batman Beyond and Bladerunner, so I wanted to have the city be a big part of the image.  In the end, I thought that it would be interesting if the city actually could be seen through him…almost like he’s wearing a cloaking…er…cloak.  Anyway, it’s one of my pictures, so I couldn’t help but throw in a skull.  You know me… 🙂
Next piece will contain…..wait for it….
…a FEMALE!  *Gasp!*
Then, maybe I’ll be able to squeeze that King Kong/ Rocketeer pic I’ve been thinking about.
More later!

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